By William Waller Hening
Updated November 25, 2022
Name | Volume | Year | Page |
Charles Gilliam | 7 | 1756-1763 | 229 |
James Guillum | 7 | 1756-1763 | 224 |
William Gilliam | 10 | 1780?-1781? | 365 |
Robert Gilliam | 11 | 1782-1784 | 57 |
William Gilliam | 12 | 1785-1788 | 405 |
James Skelton Gilliam | 14, (Shepherd, Vol. 1) | 1792-1796 | 320 |
James Skelton Gilliam | 15, (Shepherd, Vol. 2) | 1796-1802 | 111 |
James Skelton Gilliam | 15, (Shepherd, Vol. 2) | 1796-1802 | 265 |
Christian Gilliam | 16, (Shepherd, Vol. 3) | 1803-1807 | 325 |
James Skelton Gilliam | 16, (Shepherd, Vol. 3) | 1803-1807 | 62 |
*The Statutes at Large of Virginia, from October session 1792, to December session 1806 [i.e. 1807] inclusive, in three volumes (new series,) being a continuation of Hening, by Samuel Shepherd.
September 1758, 32d George II
Lunenburg County
To Abraham Martin, 33.6.0
William Stokes, Lieutenant, 16.1.0
James GUILLUM, ensign, 2.14.0
Thomas Jones, ensign, 1.16.0
Thomas Jones, serjeant, 1.16.0
Joshua Wharton, ensign, 6.10.0
Peter Hamblin, serjeant, 5.12.0
William, Poole, serjeant, 4.6.8
James Lett, serjeant, in Poole’s stead, 2.8.0
Peter Hamlin, 1.7.0
James Lett, 3.11.0
Henings, Volume 7, page 224
Prince Edward County
To Charles GILLIAM for horse hire, 13 s, 9 d
Henings, Volume 7, page 229
October 1780, 5th of the commonwealth
An act for establishing several publick ferries and discontinuing a former one.
. . . from the upper end of the land of Thomas Batte, the younger, in the county of Chesterfield, across Appamattox river, to the lot of land the property of William GILLIAM, in the town of Broadway and county of Prince George and from the lot of land of the said William GILLIAM, to the lands of the said Thomas Batte . . .
Henings, Volume 10, page 365
May 1782. 6th of the Commonwealth
An act to appoint trustees for the towns of Woodstock, Cobham, Manchester, and Blandford
. . . some of the trustees of the towns of Manchester, and of Blandford in the county of Prince George, being dead, some resigned, and others at a great distance from the said towns . . . that Nathaniel Harrison, Peter Poythress, Robert GILLIAM, Thomas Gerdon, William Murray, Isaac Hall, John Baird, and Edmund Ruffin, gentlemen, are hereby in the manner appointed trustees for the said town of Blandford.
Henings, Volume 11, page 57
October 1786, 11th of the Commonwealth
As Act for establishing several public ferries, and for other purposes
. . . A ferry should be kept from the upper end of the land of Thomas Batte, the younger, in the county of Chesterfield, across Appamatox river, to the lot of land the property of William GILLIAM, in the town of Broadway and county of Prince George . . .
Henings, Volume 12, page 405
November 1794
An Act to establish an academy and incorporate the trustees thereof in the Town of Petersburg (Passed December 24,1794)
Whereas it is the interest of all free governments to facilitate as much as may be, the diffusion of useful knowledge among its inhabitants, and application hath been made to this assembly to pass an act to appoint trustees for an academy about to be built in the town of Petersburg, and to incorporate them into a body politic:
2. Be it therefore enacted, that Joseph Hones, Thomas G. Peachy, Edward Pegram, James S. GILLIAM, John Jeffers, Robert Turnbull, the reverend Andrew Syme, Alexander Fraxer [?], James Cureton, George Ruffin, Benjamin Harrison, William Whitlock, Alexander G. Strachan, Alexander M’Rae, Peterson Goodwyn, and George Keith Taylor, gentlemen, shall be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, to be known by the name of the “Trustees of The Petersburg Academy,” and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal.
Henings, Volume 14, page 320
December 1797
An Act adding certain lots to the town of Petersburg, and for other purposes therein mentioned. (Passed January 11, 1798)
Whereas it is represented that in the town of Petersburg, from Durell’s tavern, at the north-east end of the Old street, in what is called the old town Petersburg, to Sycamore street, on the south-west boundary of the new town, no street or other highway is laid off, except a common thirty feet road, upon which incroachments have been and are continued to be made, to the great injury and inconvenience of the citizens of the said town:
1. Be it therefore enacted, that Joseph Jones, Christopher M’Connico, William Harrison, William Cole, James Skelton GILLIAM, James Campbell and John Grammar, gentlemen of any four of them, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners with the full power and authority to lay off, at its present average width, the aforesaid street, as it now runs, from Durell’s tavern to Sycamore street, which, when so laid, off shall be, and is hereby established as a street of the said town . . .
Henings, Volume 15, page 111
December 1800
An Act to establish an academy on the glebe land of Martin’s Brandon parish, in the county of Prince George.
Where as it hath been represent to this present general assembly that the parish of Martin’s Brandon, in the county of Prince George, has been for some time without a minister of the episcopal church, and that it would be of great advantage to the inhabitants thereof, to vest the glebe land belonging to the said parish, in trustees for the purpose of establishing a seminary of learning thereon:
1. Be it therefore enacted, that Benjamin Harrison, James S. GILLIAM, John Shore, Isaac Hall, Wm. Cole, John Philips. Geo K. Taylor, Geo. Ruffin, Peter Woodlief, John P. Cocke, Thomas Cocke, James Cocke, James Cureton, Archibald Epes, Wm. S. Peachy, Benj. Harrison (of Brandon) Carter B. Harrison, William Harrison, William Glover, William H. Avery, and Richard Bland, gentle me, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of The Trustees of Burr Academy, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and my sue and be sued, and have a common seal, with power to take and hold any estate, real or personal, for the use of the said academy . . .
Henings, Volume 15, page 265
December 1803
An Act to raise by way of lottery or lotteries a sum of money for the benefit of the Petersburg Academy. (Passed January 21, 1804)
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that it shall and may be lawful for Joseph Jones, Robert Bolling, James S. GILLIAM, John Wilder, William Wills, Robert Birchett, Roger Atkinson, William Prentiss, James Campbell, James Byrne, and William Clarke, gentlemen, or a majority of them, to raide by ways of lottery or lotteries the sum of five thousand dollars, which shall be paid by them into the hands of the treasurer of the Petersburg Academy, to be applied to the benefit and use of the said academy, under the direction of the trustees thereof or a majority of them in such manner as to them shall seem best.
2. This act shall commence and be inforce from and after the passing thereof.
Henings, Volume 16, page 325
December 1806
An Act establish an inspection of tobacco on the lands of Christian GILLIAM, Mary Eppes, and Archibald Eppes, at City Point, the county of Prince George (Passed January 2, 1807)
1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby established at City point in the county of Prince George, on the lands of Christian GILLIAM, Mary Eppes and Archibald Eppes, any two or one of them, to be called and know by the name of City Point warehouse. . . .
4. The said Christian GILLIAM, Mary Epes and Archibald Eppes, he, she or they, on whose land the said warehouse shall be erected, shall erect at his, her or their own expense, sufficient houses, guilt of brick or stone, and covered with slate or tile, for the reception of tobacco; and so soon as the same shall be sufficient, the court of the said county of Prince George shall recommend fit persons to be commissioned inspectors thereof . . .
Henings, Volume 16, page 62
- Joseph J. Casey, Personal Names in Hening’s Statutes at Large of Virginia
- William Waller Hening, The Statutes at Large: Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature, in the Year 1619.